Disappointingly, the safe was full of nothing but dust. However, judging by the pristine condition of the interior, that dust was at least 105 years old! Antique dust is better than new dust...
Here is the interior - you can see the date on the backplate - Oct. 14 '02 (that's 1902 for you young'ins).
Too bad, bur then again, it leaves you plenty of space to store your family jewels...
that is so cool! the last time I saw something like that was in another Victorian, one street over from you, on Eutaw - it was in the 2300 block, odd side. It had a built-in safe also, in a 2nd or 3rd floor hallway, which I thought was really neat, as I'd never seen that before. It might have been a feature that perhaps started being added to some higher-end homes after the turn of the century, much like telephone nooks, perhaps? I say that because that row -- I'll bet like your house, too -- was built in the very early twentieth century, whereas I've never seen such a thing in any nineteenth century Victorians, or even heard of it? Also a nice way to get an idea of the date of your house.
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