Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Finally Flooring!!!

Thanks for stopping by friends and family!  Here is an update of what is going on with our humble little love nest: 
  • the tile and bamboo floors are being installed
  • our windows are almost completely installed
  • our indoor HVAC units have been installed
  • our kitchen cabinets have been delivered
  • the water and gas have been turned on (supposedly)

We're still chugging along at a steady rate and are getting ready to enter the home stretch.  But, unfortunately, we are at a point where big ticket items such as building entire walls and wiring the entire house are replaced with a million small tedious things such as fixing a small dent in the wall or replacing a roof tile.  Organization is of the utmost importance at this point as it seems very easy to drown in the minor details.  So far we have maintained our sanity...  so far.

But, don't believe us, let the pictures do the talking:

a small portion of our bamboo flooring

vertical natural bamboo - close up

our kitchen cabinet finish: brown-black

the guys prepping the subfloor for the bamboo

installed! (caution, clicking on image will display gratuitous amounts of bamboo porn)

the powder room.  that's honey onyx on the floor.  that's quixotic plum on the walls.  that's dirt on the camera lens.

the 3rd floor shower

curved windows!  this was a very difficult effect to accomplish.  great job, Tony!

3rd floor front

2nd floor front

from the outside - tin freshly scraped and ready for paint.

ready your allen wrenches, men!  it's IKEA TIME!!!

the basement HVAC stuffs

the 3rd floor mechanical room HVAC stuffs

and now, Fun with Flooring!!!