First of all, no, we haven't moved in yet.
Yes, we are angry.
No, we haven't killed anyone yet.
Second of all, this is the all camera phone edition because I
keep leaving my CF card in the computer instead of
putting it back in the camera.
Sean is so anxious to see his stair opus complete,
I had to resort to the camera phone.
So without further ado:
A close up ( notice the clean stair!):

And now we step outside.
Looking at the back from the deck
(notice the new trim AND the correct door!):

Looking out onto our yard full of garbage from the back deck:

More garbage!!

Our new front column and trim:

Back inside on the 3rd floor:

In other news, our pet/baby gates will be installed Friday, and the clean up has started on the second and third floors. Also, we have finally received and official PASS on our electrical inspection, so we're ready to roll!!
Our final inspection (and therefore our occupancy permit) MAY happen before Sean's return from China. I have done a lot of screaming in the last five weeks (and also a bit of crying, and then some threatening of legal action). These things together seemed to have spurred SOME actual working....but no, we're not moving in this weekend either.
We're incredibly frustrated, but we're sure that it will be worth it!
We're just trying to stay positive at this point! Wish us luck in the true home stretch!